Saturday, April 2, 2011


In the last 6 months, we have:

been underground, been on top of snowy peaks, been across the world, played yard football, played city league football, watched Boomer football, been mad as hatters, baked topsy-turvy cakes, had family hikes, celebrated Christmas, enjoyed the best of friends, turned 3 years old, started college, finished high school, baked barbie cakes, been to dance competitions, worked, played, been to Hollywood Boulevard, fell down, played in recitals, rode bikes on Venice boardwalk, explored Joshua Tree, ended up in Palm Springs, worshipped inside and out, helped a friend, been to horse camp, hung out with friends, gotten wet, stayed dry, danced with joy and pain, laughed, cried, slept, ate, played, prayed, dreamt, held hands, held each other up, loved each other, made memories that will last a lifetime, and been blessed beyond measure.